Melton Physiotherapy Clinic

Melton Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Clinic is a multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Clinic in Melton – and has been servicing the Melton area for over 30 years. We are a professional, progressive establishment with a positive team culture - committed to providing the highest level of care and support to our local and extended community.

We are a family owned business and pride ourselves on our professional knowledge, our clinical application and our desire to provide positive outcomes for all of our clients.

A Physio Gym was established, which is utilised to enhance the rehabilitation needs of clients, as well as allow for proactive and preventative exercise prescription.

We provide Rehabilitation services to all clients including Private / TAC / WorkSafe / Enhanced Primary Care / Diabetes / Cancer / Aged Care / Sporting & clients of all ages with a broad range of injuries / conditions and with complex health needs and well as those with less complicated treatment plans.